Dhumavati Jayanti 2026 Date

Dhumavati Jayanti 2026 Date

Who is Maa Dhumavati?

Dhumavati Jayanti or ‘Dhumavati Mahavidya Jayanti’ as it is popularly known falls on the ‘ashtami’ (8th day) during the ‘Shukla Paksha’ (the bright fortnight of moon) in the ‘Jyestha’ month of the Hindu calendar is celebrated as the day when Goddess Dhumavati, a manifestation of Goddess Parvati, incarnated on Earth. As per English calendar, it often comes in the months of May-June. Goddess Dhumavati, who is known to be the seventh of the 10 Mahavidyas is also known to be the most furious form of Goddess Durga. worshipping Maa Dhumavati on this auspicious day, devotees can be relieved from all their problems and sins. 

Goddess Dhumavati Sadhana is done to get rid of extreme poverty. She is also worshipped to make body free from all sorts of diseases.

Dhumavati Mool Mantra

ॐ धूं धूं धूमावती देव्यै स्वाहा:॥
Om Dhum Dhum Dhumavati Devayai Swaha

Dhumavati Jayanti 2026 Date

Dhumavati Jayanti 2026 Date - Monday, June 22, 2026

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