Aadi Perukku 2028
Aadi Perukku is observed on the 18th day of the Tamil Month Aadi which usually falls during mid-July to mid-August. Aadi Perukku 2028 date is August 2. The Aadi month in Tamil Nadu falls during the monsoon season and the festival is a Thanksgiving to monsoon rains which fill the rivers – the lifeline of farmers. As it is celebrated on the 18th day, Aadi Perukku is also known as Pathinettam Perukku, Aadi Nōmbi (in Kongu Tamil) or Aadi monsoon festival.
People who live near the Kaveri River's bank are mostly those who observe Aadi Perukku. Perukku, which meaning rising, alludes to rivers' surging waters. The Aadi Perukku celebration is mainly a form of adoration and gratitude to Mother Nature, the God of Monsoon and Goddess Kaveri.