Nirjala Ekadashi 2022 Date, Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha

Nirjala Ekadashi 2022, Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha

Nirjala Ekadashi Date in 2022 - 10th/11th (Fri/Sat) June 2022

Nirjala Ekadashi is the most important and sacred Ekadashi among all the twenty four Ekadashis that comes in a year. Nirjala means without water and Nirjala Ekadashi fasting is observed without any food or water. As this fasting is Nirjala Ekadashi Vratam, it is the toughest among all Ekadashi's of the year due to a strict fasting rules. Nirjala Ekadashi and also all the Ekadashi's are dedicated to Lord Vishnu. While observing Nirjala Ekadashi fast, Vishnu devotees do not take food as well as water the whole day and the fast is only over the next day after ekadashi.

Nirjala Ekadashi Fast 2022

As this Nirjala Ekadashi fast is highly sacred, it is recommended to all the devotees that those who are not able to observe fast on all twenty four Ekadashi's of the year should definitely observe this single day of Nirjala Ekadashi fasting. It is a strong belief and is said that fasting on Nirjala Ekadashi gives all the benefits of twenty four Ekadashi fasting of the year.

Nirjala Ekadashi/Bhima/Pandava Ekadashi

Nirjala Ekadashi is also known as Pandava Ekadashi or Bhimseni or Bhima Ekadashi because of the legend associated with Pandavas and particularly Bhim. Bhimsen, the second brother among Pandava's could not control having food and thus was not able observe the strict Ekadashi fasting. All Pandava's Yudhishthir, Arjuna, Nakul and Shahdeva, along with their wife Draupadi and mother Kunti except Bhim observed all Ekadashi fasting of the year. Due to this, Bhima, got upset and thought that he was disrespecting Lord Vishnu. Bhima then went to met Sage Maharishi Vyasa for his advises and getting answers to his problem. Then Vyasa rishi suggested Bhima to observe the single Nirjala Ekadasi fasting and thus it acted as the compensation for not observing all Ekadashi's of the year. Thus, Nirjala Ekadashi also came to known as Bhimseni Ekadashi or Pandava Ekadashi.

Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat Katha in Hindi

Nirjala Ekadashi Importance/Significance of Nirjala Ekadashi

It is a strong belief that those who fast on this day of Nirjala Ekadashi are received by messengers from Vaikuntha, the abode of Vishnu, after death, and not by Yama, the god of death. It is also believed that Lord Vishnu transformed himself into Ekadashi to make all the humanity get rid of their sins.Observing this fast is equal to going to pilgrimage. The sins of this life and the previous one are considered burned by observing this fast. Nirjala Ekadasi fast helps in getting longevity, happiness, salvation, wealth, and prosperity with the blessings of Lord Vishnu. It is recommended not to fast on this day of Nirjala Ekadashi for those who are undergoing treatments or medications, if one can observe they can have fruits and milk, tea but not any form of atta or wheat and salt. It is a known fact that one should not eat rice on any ekadashi day including Nirjala Ekadasi.

Nirjala Ekadashi fasting falls on Shukla Paksha of Jyeshtha month particularly in month of May or June. Nirjala Ekadashi falls just after the Ganga Dussehra (which is the appearance or coming up of Maa Ganga on earth on this day). It is also possible that Ganga Dussehra and Nirjala Ekadashi might occur on the same day.

Rules of Ekadashi/Nirjala Ekadashi Fasting

Ekadashi fasting is over on next day of Ekadashi fast after sunrise. It is necessary to observe breaking of Ekadashi fast often known as Parana within Dwadashi Tithi unless Dwadashi is over before sunrise. Not observing Parana within Dwadashi is not seen good. Parana or breaking the ekadashi fast should not be done during Hari Vasara. If Hari Vasara period gets over, then only one should break the Nirjala Ekadashi fast. Hari Vasara is the period of first one fourth duration of Dwadashi Tithi. Pratahkal is regarded as the most preferred time to break the fast.One should also avoid breaking the fast during Madhyahna and if it's not possible to break ekadashi fasting during Pratahkal then it should be done after Madhyahna.

Things you can Do on Nirjala Ekadasi

  • Offer prayers to Lord Vishnu early in the morning and also the whole day.
  • Listen to Bhagavad Purana or chanting bhajans dedicated to Lord Vishnu
  • Light a diya in front of Lord Vishnu and offer Tulsi leaves and flowers.
  • Observe a waterless fast for the whole day. If not able to fast the whole day without water, then one can take fruits and tea, milk, water but should not eat salt and "atta" or wheat.
  • Prepare Panchamrita, a mixture of five foods: milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar and offer to Lord Vishnu.
  • Donate food grains, clothes, fruits, milk, umbrellas, hand-fans, matakas filled with water, to Brahmins.
  • Next morning, after bath, donate food, fruits, sherbet, water, milk, clothes etc. and then break fast by drinking water.

Nirjala Ekadashi 2022 Date and Parana

Nirjala Ekadashi 2022 Date - Friday, June 10, 2022
On 11th Jun, Parana Time - 01:44 PM to 04:29 PM
On Parana Day Hari Vasara End Moment - 11:09 AM
Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 07:25 AM on Jun 10, 2022
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 05:45 AM on Jun 11, 2022

Gauna Nirjala Ekadashi 2022 Date - Saturday, June 11, 2022
On 12th Jun, Parana Time for Gauna Ekadashi - 05:27 AM to 08:13 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi would be over before Sunrise
Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 07:25 AM on Jun 10, 2022
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 05:45 AM on Jun 11, 2022

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