Ashadha Navratri, also known as Gupt Navaratri (गुप्त नवरात्रि), comes in the Shukla Paksha of Ashadha month i.e June – July. Ashadha Navratri starts on June 19 and ends on June 28 in the year 2023. Ashadha Navratri is dedicated to the nine forms of Shakti Goddess. Many people observe fast on the days of Ashadha Navratri and only vegetarian food is eaten during this period.
Gupt Navratri is also observed during the month of Magh (January – February). The most popular Navratri comes twice a year - Chaitra Navratri (March-April) and Sharad Navratri (September – October). Check Dates of Navratri and Navratri Calendar 2023 along769/-\7ith Navratri 2023 Colours. Below we have given Ashadha Gupt Navratri 2023 Dates:
Ashadha Gupt Navratri 2023 Dates
Navratri Day 1 (Pratipada)- June 19, 2023 (Moday) - Ghatsthapana, Shailputri Puja
Day 2 (Dwitiya) - June 20, 2023 (Tuesday) - Brahmacharini Puja
Day 3 (Tritiya) - June 21, 2023 (Wednesday) - Chandraghanta Puja
Day 4 (Chaturthi) - June 22, 2023 (Thursday) - Kushmanda Puja
Day 5 (Panchami) - June 23, 2023 (Friday) - Skandamata Puja
Day 6 (Shashthi) - June 24, 2023 (Saturday) - Katyayani Puja
Day 7 (Saptami) - June 25, 2023 (Sunday) - Kalaratri Puja
Day 8 (Ashtami) - June 26, 2023 (Monday) - Sri Durga Mahaashtami, Mahagauri Puja, Sandhi Puja
Day 9 (Navami) - June 27, 2023 (Tuesday) - Siddhidatri Puja, Navratri Parana
Day 10 (Dashami) - June 28, 2023 (Wednesday) - Navratri Parana