Karwa Chauth Date 2022

Karwa Chauth 2022, Karwa Chauth Vrat Katha in Hindi

When is Karwa Chauth 2022?

Karwa Chauth 2022 Date in India Calendar - If you ask when is karwa chauth 2022 or karwa chauth kab hai - the answer is here

Karwa Chauth 2022 Date is on 13th October, 2022, Thursday.

Chaturthi tithi starts - 1:59 AM on Oct 13, 2022

Chaturthi tithi ends - 03:08 AM on Oct 14, 2022

Karva Chauth Meaning

The meaning of Chauth is fourth day and Karwa means earthen pot with a spout. This vessel symbolises peace and prosperity. Meaning of Karwa Chauth is significant as the pooja is not complete without the earthen pot. News about the timings of moon appearance is circulated via varied media agencies. Women wait patiently for the Karwa Chauth moon to appear to offer water and prayers. The immense popularity of the festival through commercialization has also made Karwa Chauth English story and Karwa Chauth Hindi stories very popular.

Karwa Chauth fast is observed during Krishna Paksha Chaturthi tithi in the Hindu month of Kartik and in the Ashwin month as per Amanta calendar followed in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Southern India. It is to be noted that though karwa chauth is observed in different months in different states, it is actually the name of the month only that is different and Karwa Chauth is observed on the same day in all states.

Karwa Chauth comes with Sankashti Chaturthi which is a fasting day for Lord Ganesha. Karwa Chauth fasting is observed by married Hindu women for the long life of their husband. The women worship Lord Shiva, Mata Parvati, Lord Ganesha, Kartikeya and Nandi and break the fast only after sighting and making the offerings to the moon. The Karwa Chauth fast is strict and observed without taking any food or even a drop of water after sunrise till the sighting of the moon in the night.

This day is also known as Karak Chaturthi. Karwa or Karak means the earthen pot by which water offering, known as Argha, is given to the moon. 

The auspicious Karwa Chauth festival falls on the fourth day of the waning moon or the dark fortnight. It is usually nine days before Diwali on the Chaturthi tithi or Kartik Ki Chauth. To find out when is Karwa Chauth this year, the Hindu calendar is consulted. Keeping the Karwa Chauth date in mind, shopping is in full swing, gifts are being purchased and women are planning how well to adorn themselves for this special occasion. Karwachauth 2021 is in October but some years, Karwa Chauth also comes in the month of November too. Preparations for Karwachauth 2021 are on and the excitement is felt in the air. Karwa Chauth calendar has been consulted well and bayas and sargis are being prepared with love and devotion.

Karwa Chauth is more popular in North Indian states as compared to South Indian states. Ahoi Ashtami Vrat which is observed for the wellbeing and long life of children is then observed after four days of Karwa Chauth.

Eating of Sargi on Karwa Chauth

The Hindu married women keep a day long rigorous fast on the day of Karwa Chauth to seek long life, well being, safety and prosperity of the husband. This fast is seen as the toughest of all fasts as the women do not even drink water the whole day. The Karva chauth fast is broken only after sighting the moon in the night. To prepare for this day long fast, there is ritual of preparing a pre-dawn meal called Karwa Chouth sargi, which the women eat before sun rise. The sargi is usually gifted to the daughter-in-law by the mother-in-law and also contains saree, sindoor or vermillion, glass or designer bangles, designer bindi, mehendi or henna, red ribbon, coconut, a gift that is usually a piece of jewellery or a beautiful saree and seviyan, which is to be eaten in the morning of Karva Chauth.

Karwa Chauth History

On the occasion of Karwa Chauth, the women keep a rigorous fast without food or water the whole day only to break it after the sighting of the moon at night. According to Hindu tradition, there is a graveness associated with the Karwa Chauth history about moon. The women are advised not to look at the moon directly on this day. They are supposed to view it only as a reflection on water or through a sieve. Some of the popular Karva Chauth legends and stories have been described as follows:

Legends associated with Karwa Chauth

Queen Veeravati who had kept a fast on Karwa Chauth was tricked into breaking her fast by her overly affectionate brothers before the moon rose and her husband had died. Later on a Goddess revived her husband taking a pity on her.

There is also a Karwa Chouth legend associated with Mahabharata where Draupadi was advised by lord Krishna to observe fast while the Pandavas were in extreme difficulty during observing penance.

The legendary story of Satyavan and Savitri is known to all Hindus right from their childhood. They symbolize the power and bond of a marital relationship. Similar to the ordeals faced by the devoted wife Savitri while she defied death and brought back his husband Stayavan to life, the modern women still willingly undergo this rigorous Karva Chauth fast to protect their husbands from the clutches of Yama.

There is also the legend of the devout wife Karwa who saved her husband from sure death through her intense devotion.

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time

According to the age old tradition of Karva Chauth, the married women fast throughout the day without taking food or water praying for the safety, prosperity and well being of their husbands. They break their fast after viewing the moon in the evening. Karva Chauth moon rising every year is declared as per Indian Standard Time. But the moon is not supposed to be viewed directly. Either it is viewed through a sieve or in the reflection in water. Karva Chauth moon time for this year, for the various major cities of India is declared through various sources. It is also to be noted that Karva Chauth moon rise time varies from city to city.

Karva Chauth Date 2022 - 13th October 2022


Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Lucknow – 7:58 PM

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Kanpur – 8:01 PM 

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Chandigarh – 8:06 PM

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Delhi - 8:09 PM

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Ghaziabad - 8:08 PM 

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Greater Noida - 8:08 PM 

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Noida - 8:09 PM 

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Jammu - 8:09 PM  

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Jaipur – 8:19 PM

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Bhopal – 8:21 PM 

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Bengaluru – 8:40 PM

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Ahmedabad – 8:41 PM

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Mumbai – 8:48 PM

Karva Chauth Moon Rise Time in Hyderabad – 8:28 PM 

Karwa Chauth Puja

Karwa Chauth fast is the toughest of all fasts. The women wake up before sunrise and prepare sargi or pre-dawn meal and have it. For the rest of the day they do not taste food or water till the sighting of the moon.

You can now listen to the audio of full Karwa Chauth story in Hindi online. Women decked in fine clothes and jewellery gather with their Karwa Chauth pooja thali to perform the puja vidhi. The rituals and the puja process starts with accompanying Karva Chauth katha. Karwa Chauth puja preparations are elaborate and start at least a day in advance. Puja thali decoration with roli, vermilion, dry fruits, earthen pots, lamps or diyas, sweets and fresh flowers is an important ritual. As per Hindu calendar, Karva Chauth is celebrated on the fourth day of the new moon after Dasara, which is nine days before Diwali. Karva Chauth pooja thali items comprise sindoor, karwa, matthi, henna and shringar items. Thali decoration for puja is also an art. Beads, laces, sindoor, colours, etc. are used for Karwa Chauth pooja thali decoration.

Karwa Chauth Importance

It is believed that marriages are made in heaven. Karwa Chauth holds great significance in the lives of married Hindu women because it celebrates the beauty and piousness of the eternal bond of marriage. The significance of Karwa Chauth is established by the karwa Chauth fast, the most difficult one in which women do not even taste a drop of water the whole long day. Applying mehendi on hands and sometimes on feet forms an important part of Karwa Chauth ritual. It is said the darker the colour of Karwa Chauth mehendi sets in the hands, the more love she will get from her husband. You can choose karva chauth mehendi designs from various Internet sources. For video and images of ladies getting colourful mehendi applied on their hands, log on to youtube. Hindu belief is that any deceit or lack of seriousness in performing the rituals of Karwa Chauth or fast can even endanger the life of the husband. The most important and attractive aspects of Karwa Chauth are as follows:

Red, pink, maroon, lehenga cholis or sarees

Karwa Chauth mehendi

Karwa Chauth katha

Sighting of the moon

Sargi and baya along with gifts from mother-in-law

Lavish gifts from husband

Karva Chauth Vrat Katha in Hindi

बहुत समय पहले इन्द्रप्रस्थपुर के एक शहर में वेदशर्मा नाम का एक ब्राह्मण रहता था। वेदशर्मा का विवाह लीलावती से हुआ था जिससे उसके सात महान पुत्र और वीरावती नाम की एक गुणवान पुत्री थी। क्योंकि सात भाईयों की वह केवल एक अकेली बहन थी जिसके कारण वह अपने माता-पिता के साथ-साथ अपने भाईयों की भी लाड़ली थी।

जब वह विवाह के लायक हो गयी तब उसकी शादी एक उचित ब्राह्मण युवक से हुई। शादी के बाद वीरावती जब अपने माता-पिता के यहाँ थी तब उसने अपनी भाभियों के साथ पति की लम्बी आयु के लिए करवा चौथ का व्रत रखा। करवा चौथ के व्रत के दौरान वीरावती को भूख सहन नहीं हुई और कमजोरी के कारण वह मूर्छित होकर जमीन पर गिर गई।

सभी भाईयों से उनकी प्यारी बहन की दयनीय स्थिति सहन नहीं हो पा रही थी। वे जानते थे वीरावती जो कि एक पतिव्रता नारी है चन्द्रमा के दर्शन किये बिना भोजन ग्रहण नहीं करेगी चाहे उसके प्राण ही क्यों ना निकल जायें। सभी भाईयों ने मिलकर एक योजना बनाई जिससे उनकी बहन भोजन ग्रहण कर ले। उनमें से एक भाई कुछ दूर वट के वृक्ष पर हाथ में छलनी और दीपक लेकर चढ़ गया। जब वीरावती मूर्छित अवस्था से जागी तो उसके बाकी सभी भाईयों ने उससे कहा कि चन्द्रोदय हो गया है और उसे छत पर चन्द्रमा के दर्शन कराने ले आये। वीरावती ने कुछ दूर वट के वृक्ष पर छलनी के पीछे दीपक को देख विश्वास कर लिया कि चन्द्रमा वृक्ष के पीछे निकल आया है। अपनी भूख से व्याकुल वीरावती ने शीघ्र ही दीपक को चन्द्रमा समझ अर्घ अर्पण कर अपने व्रत को तोड़ा। वीरावती ने जब भोजन करना प्रारम्भ किया तो उसे अशुभ संकेत मिलने लगे। पहले कौर में उसे बाल मिला, दुसरें में उसे छींक आई और तीसरे कौर में उसे अपने ससुराल वालों से निमंत्रण मिला। पहली बार अपने ससुराल पहुँचने के बाद उसने अपने पति के मृत शरीर को पाया।

अपने पति के मृत शरीर को देखकर वीरावती रोने लगी और करवा चौथ के व्रत के दौरान अपनी किसी भूल के लिए खुद को दोषी ठहराने लगी। वह विलाप करने लगी। उसका विलाप सुनकर देवी इन्द्राणी जो कि इन्द्र देवता की पत्नी है, वीरावती को सान्त्वना देने के लिए पहुँची।

वीरावती ने देवी इन्द्राणी से पूछा कि करवा चौथ के दिन ही उसके पति की मृत्यु क्यों हुई और अपने पति को जीवित करने की वह देवी इन्द्राणी से विनती करने लगी। वीरावती का दुःख देखकर देवी इन्द्राणी ने उससे कहा कि उसने चन्द्रमा को अर्घ अर्पण किये बिना ही व्रत को तोड़ा था जिसके कारण उसके पति की असामयिक मृत्यु हो गई। देवी इन्द्राणी ने वीरावती को करवा चौथ के व्रत के साथ-साथ पूरे साल में हर माह की चौथ को व्रत करने की सलाह दी और उसे आश्वासित किया कि ऐसा करने से उसका पति जीवित लौट आएगा।

इसके बाद वीरावती सभी धार्मिक कृत्यों और मासिक उपवास को पूरे विश्वास के साथ करती। अन्त में उन सभी व्रतों से मिले पुण्य के कारण वीरावती को उसका पति पुनः प्राप्त हो गया।

Karwa Chauth festival is specially meant for married Hindu women who pray for their husbands to get blessed with a long life, and a healthy and prosperous life. This tradition is most popularly observed in the northern Indian states.

Karva Chauth Fast

Married Huindu women observe fast and stay without eating or drinking even a drop of water all through the day. In the evening they gather to listen to fast katha/vidhi or fast story. Although, Karwa Chauth fast is not meant for unmarried women, yet some girls before marriage also do this fast.

Karva Chauth Rituals

The women decked in finery and carrying karva chauth puja thali gather to listen to Karwa Chauth story or Karwachauth katha. In the rural parts of the country, idol of Gaur Mata is created and ladies sit around the idol to listen to Karwa Chauth vrat katha. Karwa Chauth eating happens only after the moon appears. Karwa Chauth vrat starts after sargi, the meal before sunrise.

Karwa Chauth ki Katha

Karwa Chauth katha is usually narrated in Hindi. Nowadays free download of Karwa Chauth katha mp3 version is also possible.  Karwa Chauth Katha can now be downloaded to be listened to especially on this auspicious day. You can also listen to Karwa Chauth katha audio online. Karva Chauth live katha are performed in the various community gatherings. Karwa Chauth vrat katha in Hindi and Punjabi Katha are equally popular.

Karwa Chauth Aarti

The women perform Karva Chauth pooja in community gatherings. They decorate the puja thalis with colours, diyas, and flowers and carry incense sticks, vermillion, some rice, a small container filled with water and diyas or lamps. As a preparation for the Karva Chauth puja, idol of Goddess Gauri Mata, a karwa or pitcher filled with water, an earthen lamp, fresh flowers, fruits and food grains are arranged. After listening to the legends associated with the Karva Chauth they also rotate the puja thali while singing the Karwa Chauth song and then turn by turn each of them performs the Karwa Chauth aarti. Karwa Chauth aarti Hindi songs can now be downloaded or even listened to online.

Karwa chauth whatsapp Messages

Karwa chauth parv jivan me prem sukh shanti evm samrdhdi bhar de.
Aap pe bhagwan ki Asim krapa ho.karwa chauth parv ki hardik badhai .
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

Hope this day makes the bond of our marriage stronger.
Happy Karwa Chauth to My Sweet Loving Wife.
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

Pray, the Sindoor adorns the forehead of every woman.
Let God Bless you for a long and a Happy married Life. Happy Karwa Chauth!!!
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

Dhanya woh devi jo pati sukh hetu vrat paave,
Dhanya woh pati jo devi roop patni paave, Happy Karwa Chauth.
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

Muhabbat aik aisi bhi, Khuda ki banai moti si,
Bhook pyaas se aur chamke.. Aise fitrat karva chauth ki jyoti si..
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

Aaj mujhe aapka khaas intezaar hai., Ye din hai karvachauth ka..
Apki lambi umar ki mujhe darkaar hai.. Jaldi. Happy Karwa Chauth.
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

The Mangal Sutra Reminds You Of, The Promises That Binds You.
And The Color Of Mehndi, Prove The Depth Of Your Love..
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

Aaj mujhe aapka khaas intezaar hai,Ye din hai karvachauth ka..
Apki lambi umra ki mujhe darkaar hai..
Jaldi aana, yakin karna apke liye sab chorr baitha apka pyar hai !
*****Karwa Chauth SMS*****

With the advancement in technology and the increased penetration of mobiles among Indians sending Karwa Chauth jokes has become quite popular. Karwa Chauth jokes are usually sent in Hindi or English. Fresh and never-heard-of-before Karwa Chauth jokes for SMS can be downloaded online. Also when the women folk gather together and after the rituals and puja performances are over, usually they spent time together laughing and chatting among themselves as they wait for the moonrise. That is the time when they share jokes and have a good time bonding together. Karwa Chauth jokes in various Indian languages can be downloaded.

Karwa Chauth Messages

Karwa Chauth celebrates the beauty and bond of marital life. On this occasion, women wish each other heartily through Karwa Chauth SMS messages. Karwa Chauth SMS greetings add colour to the celebration. Husbands send loving messages and spread love and warmth in their wives’ lives. Good wishes along with wishes of Happy Karwa Chauth from their beloved ones brighten the days of the ladies. Even Karwa Chauth cards are sold with nice sweet messages written on them wishing each other Happy Karwa Chauth. Posting Karwa Chauth messages through the social networking sites is a common practice nowadays. Karwa Chauth messages in Hindi are exchanged through mobile.
Karwa Chauth Messages

Its day of fast my wife
I know you care for my life
Though I can eat
but believe I did not take any wheat
I as Husband cares of your
Every moment I love you More .. More More..
Happy Karwa Chauth to my darling wife….
*****Karwa Chauth Messages*****

Fast taken by wives…
For well being, longevity
and prosperity of husbands.
Seeking his blessings.
May this blissful day fills your life…
With love and happiness.
Happy Karwa Chauth………
*****Karwa Chauth Messages*****

I told my heart not to beat since u were filled in it,
It kept my word and stop the beat.
Since the blood was passing through the heart,
The passes of each drop said ur name my love!
Thanks for praying for me.Happy Karva Chauth!!
*****Karwa Chauth Messages*****

When I say I love you, It doesn’t mean just 3 words of love,
It means I care for you, I trust u,I believe you,
I miss you, Love sometimes changes some moment
And sometimes Whole Life! Happy Karwa Chauth...!!
*****Karwa Chauth Messages*****

If I were a tear in ur eye I wood roll down onto ur lips.
But if you were a tear in my eye,
I wood never cry as I wood be afraid to lose you!
Thanks for being mine forever. Happy Karva Chauth!
*****Karwa Chauth Messages*****

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