Jandhyala Purnima 2026 Date

Jandhyala Purnima 2026 Date

Upakarma day is observed as Jandhyala Purnima or Janai Purnima in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. Jandhyala Purnima is observed during Shravana Purnima. Jandhyala Purnima is known as Avani Avittam in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

Jandhyam means the Yagnopavitham or the sacred thread. Changing of sacred thread is performed on the day of Jandhyala Purnima and it is also known as Yajurveda Nutanasahitha Upakarma. Jeerna Yagnopavitham which is old sacred thread is removed and new sacred thread is worn on this day. Mainly Dwijulu or Brahmins in Andhra Pradesh perform the act of Jandhya dharana or Yagnopavitha dharana on Shravana Purnima in rivers or lakes or in house and sanctify the puja room. People who follow Rig Veda perform the ceremony on the day before Shravan Purnima.

Maha Sankalpam is recited during the Janeyu dharana. Jeerna Yagnopavitham is removed while reciting Jeerna Yagnopaveetha mantra. New Janai or Janeyu is worn after reading Gayatri Mantra.

Jandhyala Purnima 2026 Date and Timings

Jandhyala Purnima 2026 Date - Friday, August 28, 2026

Pournami Tithi Begins - 09:08 AM on Aug 27, 2026
Pournami Tithi Ends - 09:48 AM on Aug 28, 2026

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