Nag Panchami 2026 Date

Nag Panchami 2026 Date 

Shukla Paksha Panchami tithi during Sawan month is observed as Nag Panchami. Normally Nag Panchami day falls two days after Hariyali Teej. Nag Panchami falls in month of July and August as per English calendar. Women worship Snakes on this day or Nag Devta, offer milk to them on this day and pray for the wellbeing of their brothers and family.

Nag Panchami (Hindi: नाग पंचमी)  is a traditional worship of serpent Gods observed by Hindus in the whole of India and also in Nepal especially by married ladies. Some days are considered significant to worship serpent Gods and Panchami Tithi especially during Shravan month is considered highly auspicious to worship serpent Gods. Shirale village in Maharashtra is famous for traditional worship of Snake Gods

Nag Panchami festival legend is mentioned in Hindu scriptures. The Nagas were born of the third wife of Kashyap who is the son of Brahma – the creator. As per Hindu Puranas, son of Lord Brahma, Rishi Kashyap had 4 wives. First wife gave birth to Devatas, second one gave birth to Garuda, and fourth one brought Daityas (demons) into this world. The third one was Kadru who had a connection with Naga Vansh. She had created the Nagas.

Nag Panchami 2026 Date - Monday, August 17, 2026

Nag Panchami Puja Muhurat - 05:51 AM to 08:29 AM
Duration - 02 Hours 37 Mins

Nag Pancham 2026 Date in Gujarat - Tuesday, September 01, 2026

Panchami Tithi Begins - 04:52 PM on Aug 16, 2026
Panchami Tithi Ends - 05:00 PM on Aug 17, 2026

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