Yajurveda Upakarma 2022

Yajurveda Upakarma 2022 Date

Upakarma means beginning or Arambham which refers to the ritualistic beginning of learning Veda. People from the Brahmins community ritually change their Upanayana thread or the sacred thread also known as Janeyu/Yagnopaveetham (known as Poonal in Tamil) with Shrauta rituals along with learning Vedas on Upakarma day. Upakarma is a Vedic ritual still practiced by Hindus of Brahmin community.

People who follow Yajurveda observe the Upakarma on the full moon day during Shravan month i.e. on Shravana Purnima day and people who follow Rigveda observe the Upakarma on Shravana Nakshatra day in the month of Shravana(Aadi in Tamil). Thus the day to observe Upakarma might differ for the followers of Yajurveda and Rigveda.

In Tamil Nadu, Upakarma is known as Avani Avittam which is also clebrated by Odisha, Maharashtra and other Southern states. This day is also known as Janeyu Purnima. Thalai Avani Avittam is the term used to descibe those who do their first Upakarma. In Andhra Pradesh, Upakarma during Shravana Purnima is known as Jandhyala Purnima.

Brahmins choose the day of Shravana Purnima to start the study of Vedas as the day coincides with Hayagriva Jayanti when Lord Hayagriva appeared for the first time on Shravan Purnima. Hayagriva Jayanti is the birth anniversary of Lord Hayagriva who is horse-headed avatar of Sri Hari Vishnu. Lord Hayagriva is regarded as the god of knowledge and wisdom and who restored all Vedas to Brahma.

Lord Vishnu gave the four vedas to Lord Brahma which were later stolen by two demons Madhu and Kaitabha. Lord Vishnu took the form of Hayagriva, the horse headed human and killed the demons and restored Vedas. It is believed that Sri Hari Vishnu himself sent the demons to Brahma to steal the Vedas in order to curb the pride that Brahma had after learning the Vedas and make him humble. One of the other legend says Sri Narayan compiled the Vedas in Hayagriva form.

Significance of Yajurveda Upakarma

Upakarma ritual is mainly done to offer prayers and express thanks and gratitude to those great Sages who gave the knowledge of Vedas and revealed Vedic Mantras to the mankind. The next day of Upakarma is known as Gayatri Japam day.

Upakarma for Yajurveda, Rigveda, Samaveda and Atharvaveda are observed on different days. People who follow Samaveda observe the Upakarma on Hasta Nakshatra day in Bhadrapada month. Samaveda Upakarma day usually falls after fortnight of Yajurveda and Rigveda Upakarma day.

Yajuraveda Upakarma 2022 Muhurat

Yajurveda Upakarma 2022 Date - Thursday, August 11, 2022

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