Gudi Padwa 2023 Date

Gudi Padwa 2023 Date

gudi padwa images

Gudi Padwa or Samvatsar Padvo is celebrated as the first day of the year by Maharashtrians and Konkanis. On this day of Gudi Padwa, new Samvatsara begins which is cycle of sixty years. All sixty Samvatsara are given unique names.

Gudi Padwa is celebrated as Ugadi by the people of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Both Gudi Padwa and Ugadi are celebrated on the same day.

Gudi Padwa or Gudi Padva or Gudhi Padwa is considered as the Marathi and Konkani New Year based on the position of the Moon and the position of the Sun to divide the year into months and days. The other is the Solar calendar which considers only position of the Sun to divide the year into months and days. That's the reason Hindu New Year is celebrated twice in the year with different names and at two different times of the year. The Hindu new year based on Solar calendar is known as Thapna in Rajasthan, Gudi Padwa in Maharashtra, Sajubu nongma padwa or Meetei Cheiraoba in Manipur, Samvatsar Padvo among Konkanis in Goa and Kerala, Cheti Chand among Sindhis, Puthandu in Tamil Nadu, Bihu in Assam, Vaisakhi in Punjab, Navreh in Kashmir, Pana Sankranti in Orissa, Naba Barsha in West Bengal and Ugadi, which is celebrated as the Telugu and Kannada New Year in the Deccan region of India.

The day starts with ritual oil-bath and prayers. Oil bath and eating Neem leaves are rituals that must be followed. North Indians do not celebrate Gudi Padwa but start nine days Chaitra Navratri Puja on the same day and also eat Neem with Mishri on the very first day of Navratri.

Traditions of Gudi Padwa

A special Gudhi flag consisting of a silk banner with a garland of flowers and leaves and topped with an upturned drinking pot is erected which is displayed from windows, roofs or trees.

The Gudhi is believed to represent the flag of Brahma as mentioned in the Brahma Purana, an ancient Hindu text, as it is believed that Lord Brahma created time and the universe on this day. People believe that bringing the Gudi at home ward off evil spirits and bring good luck and prosperity in life. It is a custom to visit friends and family, do some home cleaning and dress up in new clothes On Gudi Padwa.

Some people believe that that this day commemorates the coronation of Rama in Ayodhya after his victory over Ravana. Maharashtra’s legendary warrior, Sri Chhatrapati Shivaji first started celebrating Gudi Padwa after his victory. After which Gudi Padwa is celebrated in every Marathi household to welcome the New Year. People start their day by eating bittersweet neem leaves which purify the blood and strengthens the body on the occasion of Gudi Padwa. Gudi Padwa is also considered auspicious for Vaastu puja, buying gold, a new vehicle or opening new business ventures.

People start their day with a holy bath in a river, wear new clothes, and visit the temple to offer their prayers to God. Women wear a nine-yard saree and accessorize their hair with a garland of mogra flowers. The men wear traditional kurta pyjama along with a saffron turban.
women prepare sweets like Puran Poli and Shrikhand and dishes like Aambe Daal and Sunth Paak, which is eaten by all the family members with great joy. Prepared in every Marathi home, Gudi Padwa prasad using neem leaves with jaggery is a bitter-sweet prasad which signifies the journey of life with the mixture of sorrow and happiness.

Gudi Padwa History and Rituals

gudi padwa date

The word Gudi Padwa is made of two words - Gudi refers to the flag (garlanded with flowers, mango and neem leaves, topped with upturned silver or copper vessel) and padwa or padava or padavo comes from the Sanskrit word pratipada which refers to the first day of a lunar fortnight. The Gudi Padwa festival is observed with colourful floor decorations called rangoli, a special Gudhi flag, street processions, dancing and festive foods.

The term ‘gudi’ or flags is associated with this festival because of the numerous multi-colored flags that are seen on the roofs of houses. Its little a flag and more of a silk cloth that is tied to the top of a long bamboo stick. Neem leaves and mango leaves are also attached to the top of the bamboo stick along with a garland of flowers. This arrangement is capped with a silver, bronze or copper pot, called handi/ kalash which signifies the victory or achievement of Lord Rama over Ravana, while in some parts, the victory of King Shalivahana when he returned to Paithan. The Gudi is hoisted outside each household, usually to the right, or through a window or terrace. 

When is Marathi New Year 2023 or When is Gudi Padwa 2023?

Gudi Padwa Festival 2023 Date & Timings - Gudi Padwa Marathi Shaka Samvata 1945 Begins

Gudi Padwa 2023 Date - Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Pratipada Tithi Begins - 10:52 PM on Mar 21, 2023
Pratipada Tithi Ends - 08:20 PM on Mar 22, 2023

Gudi Padwa Wishes 2023

Now that the Gudi Padwa festival is just around the corner, here are some messages and quotes that you can see and use for your near and dear ones.

May God shower on you, his choicest blessings and love on this day. Happy Gudi Padwa!

With love, light, peace and progress heading your way, May you have a great Gudi Padwa and an even better year ahead. Greetings of the day to you!

On this day when we celebrate the victory of good over evil, may all the darkness of your life be replaced by light, hatred by love and evil by good. Wishing you and your family a very happy Gudi Padwa!

I wish from the bottom of my heart that the occasion of Gudi Padwa brings a lot of love, peace and prosperity to your lives. Have a great day and year ahead. Happy Gudi Padwa!

Lots of luck, success and happiness head your way on this New Year. Wishing you the best of everything and the best of every day on this auspicious occasion. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Gudi Padwa!

On this auspicious day, I pray to Lord Rama for your happiness, prosperity, luck, fortune and all things good. May you have a fantastic day full of festivities and an amazing year ahead. Happy Gudi Padwa to you and your loved ones!

Gudi Padwa 2023 Wishes in Marathi 

Here you will find Gudi Padwa wishes in Marathi

हिंदू दिनदर्शिकेप्रमाणे चैत्र शुद्ध प्रतिपदेला गुढी उभारली जाते. गुढीपाडवा म्हणजे नववर्ष. येत्या काही दिवसांवरच दिवसातच हा सण येतोय. त्याची त्याची तयारी सुरू झाल्याचं पहायला मिळतंय. अशातच तुम्ही तुमच्या सहकाऱ्यांना, मित्र मित्रिणींना किंवा नातेवाईकांना शुभ संदेश देणार असाल, आत्ताच सेव घ्या हे संदेश!

"गुढी उभारू आनंदाची,
समृद्धीची, आरोग्याची,
समाधानाची आणि उत्तुंग यशाची,
नव वर्षाच्या आणि गुढीपाडव्याच्या शुभेच्छा"

"नक्षीदार काठीवरी रेशमी वस्त्र,
त्याच्यावर चांदीचा लोटा,
उभारुनी मराठी मनाची गुढी,
साजरा करूया हा गुढीपाडवा…
नूतन वर्षाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा"

सोनेरी पहाट उंच गुढीचा थाट..
आनंदाची उधळण अन सुखांची बरसात…
दिवस सोनेरी
नव्या वर्षाची सुरुवात…
गुडीपाडव्याच्या भरभरून शुभेच्छा!

आशेची पालवी, सुखाचा मोहर,
समृद्धीची गुढी, समाधानाच्या गाठी,
नववर्षाच्या शुभेच्छा, तुमच्यासाठी…
गुडीपाडव्याच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!

वसंत ऋतूच्या आगमनी,
कोकिळा गायी मंजुळ गाणी,
नव वर्ष आज शुभ दिनी,
सुख समृद्धी नांदो जीवनी.
गुढी पाडव्याच्या आणि नूतन
वर्षाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!

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