Ugadi 2026 Date
Ugadi or Yugadi is celebrated as the first day of the Telugu New year by people of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Karnataka. New Telugu Samvatsara, which is cycle of sixty years, begins on this day. All sixty Samvatsara are given a unique name.
In Maharashtra, Ugadi festival is celebrated as Gudi Padwa or the Marathi New Year. Both Ugadi and Gudi Padwa are celebrated on the same day. Ugadi or Yugadi can be said as the New Year of the Deccan region that falls between Vindhyachal Mountains and the Kaveri river which includes the states of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Maharashtra, Goa and karnataka. It is celebrated as the first day of the Shukla paksh of Chaitra month, usually in the month of March or April.
When is Telugu New Year 2026 or When is Ugadi 2026?
Ugadi Festival 2026 Date & Timings - Telugu Shaka Samvat 1948 Begins
Ugadi 2026 Date - Thursday, March 19, 2026
Pratipada Tithi Begins - 06:52 AM on Mar 19, 2026
Pratipada Tithi Ends - 04:52 AM on Mar 20, 2026