Chaturthi Shradh 2023 Date, Chauth Shradha
What is Pitru Paksha Shradha or Mahalaya Paksh
For Hindus, Pitru Paksha is a crucial time of year. The interval between Purnima and Amavasya, which spans more than sixteen days in the month of Bhadrapada (August–September), is referred to as this period. Whether an ancestor passed away during Shukla Paksha or Krishna Paksha, holding shradh rites for them on the appropriate tithis when they passed away is the period's main feature. Mahalaya Paksha Shradh, another name for the Pitru Paksha Shradh period, has exceptional allowances for performing rituals for persons for whom shradh is otherwise prohibited. The families of people who execute the shradh rites are thought to gain several advantages from them throughout this time.
What is Chaturthi Shradha
The purpose of the Chaturthi shradh in Pitru Paksha is to do the tarpan and shradh for ancestors who passed away on the Chaturti tithi in any month, regardless of Shukla or Krishna Paksha. According to the Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, and Telugu calendars, Chaturthi Shradh occurs on the Chaturthi of Krishna Paksh in the month of Bhadrapad, whereas the North Indian calendar places it in the month of Ashwin. By conducting shradh on the appropriate tithis during Pitru Paksha, any shortcomings in the ancestors' shradh rites can be made up for. In fact, it is thought that the shradh rituals performed at this time will benefit the performers' family in a variety of ways.
Importance of Chaturthi Shradh/Pitru Paksha shradh
When performing shradh rites for the ancestors, Pitru Paksha is a very fortunate time of the year. Hinduism has several mythical tales that explain the significance of Pitru paksha shradh. These are also known as Parvan Shraddhas, and Kutup Muhurt or Rohina Muhurt are the proper times for performing shradh rituals at this time.
On this day, you must contribute any food items—including rice, wheat, veggies, and other foods—in honor of your ancestors. According to Tamil traditions, the best location for Chaturthi Shraddha is Akka Matam and Thangachi Matam on the path to Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu.
Chaturthi Shradh Ritual Timings
Chaturthi Shradh 2023 Date - Monday, October 2, 2023
Chaturthi Shraadh Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat - 11:47 AM to 12:34 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins
Chaturthi Shradh Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat - 12:34 PM to 01:22 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins
Chaturthi Shradha Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal - 01:22 PM to 03:44 PM
Duration - 02 Hours 22 Mins
Chaturthi Tithi Begins - 07:36 AM on Oct 02, 2023
Chaturthi Tithi Ends - 06:11 AM on Oct 03, 2023