Panchami Shradh 2023 Date

Panchami Shradh 2023 Date, Kunwara Panchami Shradha

What is Pitru Paksh Shradh period?

For the Hindus, Pitru Paksha, or the sixteen-day period starting on Bhadrapad's full moon and ending on Ashwin's Amavasya (August or September) month, is a particularly important time for paying respect to, praying to, and conducting the shradh rites of their ancestors. The Pitru Paksha shradh rites are held on the appropriate tithis when the ancestor passed away, regardless of whether they did so during the Krishna Paksha or the Shukla Paksha, even if the yearly shradh celebrations are held during the same month, paksh, and day when the ancestor passed away. The ancestors hold the shradh rites done during the Pitru Paksha in the highest regard, and they provide multiple blessings in exchange.

According to Brahmapuran, a man should first worship his ancestors. It is believed that this pleases the gods. For this reason, elders are respected and worshiped after their death in Indian society which we call by the name of Shraddha. 

What is Panchami Shraddha?

The fifth day of the moon's waning phase in the lunar month of Bhadrapada is known as Panchami Shraddha or Kunwara Panchami and is also known as Bhadrapada Krishna Paksha Panchami. Ashwin is the month in which Panchami Shraddha occurs, according to north Indian Purnimant Calendars. For family members who passed away on Panchami Tithi, including Shukla and Krishna Paksha Panchami, Panchami Shraddha is performed. Additionally, Shraddha is done on this day in memory of those who passed away unmarried. Because of this, Kunwara Panchami is another name for Panchami Shraddha Tithi. Except for Rahukaal on Kunvara Panchami, Pind Daan can be performed at any time.

Every year, during the Pitru Paksha, the Bharani Nakshatra coincides with the Chaturthi or Panchami tithis, and the corresponding shradh is also known as the Bharani shradh. The tarpan of those who passed away single should be performed on the auspicious day of Bharani shradh.
According to legend, practicing shradh on the auspicious Bharani can have advantages over doing so in Gaya.

Importance of Pitru Paksha Shradh

In order to get the blessings of the departed ancestors, who particularly visit their descendants on earth during this time, Pitru Paksha shradh rites are exceedingly auspicious. When the shradh rituals are performed during Kutup Muhurt or Rohina Muhurt and end with tarpan, they are also known as Parvan Shraddhas.

Pitru Paksha Panchami Shradh Significance

It is crucial to do Shraddha on this Tithi in honor of any deceased family members who passed away alone. The fifth day of the sacred Mahalaya Paksha, which lasts for fifteen days, is called Panchami Shraddha or Kunwara Panchami. Shraddha, also known as Kunwara or Shraddha for the unmarried, is performed on Panchami Shraddha or Kunwara Panchami, as the name implies, for individuals who have passed away without being married. The Thithi on which the singles passed away is unimportant. Shraddha is also offered on that Tithi if the unmarried person passes away on a different Tithi. Additionally, shraddha is performed for individuals who passed away on the Panchami Tithi of the Sukla and Krishna Paksha or regardless of the Paksha they passed away in.

Panchami Shraddha Rituals and Puja Vidhi - 

Here's what you need to do:

Traditionally, Shradh and Tarpan must be performed under the guidance of a priest at holy places such as Gaya, Kashi or other religious sites. However, here is one way of remembering the departed souls at home. 

  • Take a shower and put on a dhoti and an angavastra. After that, practice Maadhyanam and Sandhyavandanam.
  • Refresh your bath, then put on a brand-new dhoti and angavastra.
  • For the rites, only a copper, brass/bronze, or silver Pancha Patra should be used. Never use utensils made of plastic, glass, steel, or iron.
  • Do the Achaman (take water from the udrani, place it on your palm, and drink it) to start the ceremonies.
  • Do angavandanam, or touching the deities on their different bodily parts, including their ears, noses, eyes, necks, and shoulders.
  • Perform the Ganapati Dhyanam to call upon Lord Ganesha.
  • Pranayama should be practiced first, then Sankalpa, Avahana (offering water), then Asana (offering a seat), and Mantra Chanting.
  • Worship your family's three preceding generations who have passed away. Request their forgiveness for whatever hurt you may have inflicted on them, whether on purpose or accidentally.
  • The performer is wearing a ring made of durva grass.
  • On this day, they worship Yama and Lord Vishnu. Recitals of the Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavata Purana are created at family gatherings.
  • Food is provided to ants, dogs, cows, crows, and dogs.
  • On this occasion, Dakshina is offered to Brahmans, along with food and charitable offerings.
  • To honor the great sages, do the Brahma Yagya.
  • Pind Daan: By performing the Pind Daan, one might provide food to departed ancestors. These dumplings, which must be given to the crows, are made of boiled rice and black sesame seeds.The Pinda are either submerged in a river or, in the absence of a waterway, are fed to the cow.
It is important to remember that lunch during the Shraddha process should take place between 12:00 and 1:00 PM, or during the Aparhana period of the day. Parvan Shraddhas(पार्वण श्राद्ध), or Pitru Paksha Shraddhas, are performed during opportune times like Kutup Muhurat and Rohina, among others. After then, muhurat until Aparahana Kaal is finished. The Tarpan (तर्पण) is performed after the Shraddha. According to the Marandeya Purana, it is thought that the shraddha ancestors would bring health, riches, and happiness, and that whomever completes all the rites will be saved.

Panchami Shradh Ritual Timings

Panchami Shradh 2023 Date - Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Panchami Shraadh Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat - 11:46 AM to 12:34 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins

Panchami Shradh Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat - 12:34 PM to 01:21 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins

Panchami Shradha Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal - 01:21 PM to 03:43 PM
Duration - 02 Hours 22 Mins

Panchami Tithi Begins - 06:11 AM on Oct 03, 2023
Panchami Tithi Ends - 05:33 AM on Oct 04, 2023

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