Purnima Shradh 2023 Date, Shraddhi Purnima
Purnima Shradh is also known as Shraddhi Purnima and Proshthapadi Purnima Shraddha (प्रोष्ठपदी पूर्णिमा).
It should be noted that Mahalaya Shradh for those who died on Purnima Tithi is done on Amavasya Shradh Tithi and not on Bhadrapada Purnima. Although Bhadrapada Purnima Shradh falls one day before Pitru Paksha, it is not part of Pitru Paksha. Usually, Pitru Paksha starts on the next day of Bhadrapada Purnima Shradh.
Bhadrapada Purnima Sraddha, like Pitru Paksha Shradh, is Parvan Shradh (पार्वण श्राद्ध) and auspicious time to perform it is either Kutup Muhurat and Rohina etc. Muhurat after that till Aparahna Kala gets over. Tarpan (तर्पण) is done at the end of the Shradh.
What is Purnima Shradha
Pitru paksha refers to the dark fortnight (Krishna paksha) of Bhadrapada month (usually August or September). Shradha ceremony of the ancestors is performed on this very auspicious day. It is thought that shradh performed during this time will greatly benefit the performers and their families. Therefore, in addition to the customary annual shradh, a special shradh is done on the Tithi of the deceased person's death during Pitru Paksh.
Pitru Paksha Shradh Importance (Purnima Shradha)
Hinduism views the practice of Shradh as a must rather than an option for ensuring that the ancestors receive food while they are residing in the astral realms. The family will suffer greatly if Shradh is not performed. You can do Shradh on the ancestor's departure thithi during the Pitru Paksh if for whatever reason you are unable to do it on the designated days.
This is the main justification for the significance of Pitru Paksh Shradh. Parvan Shraddhas are also known as Pitri Paksha or Mahalaya Shraddhas. Kutup Muhurt and Rohina Muhurt are the best periods to do shradh at this time until Aparahna Kala (Post Meridian) is over. Tarpan concludes the Shradh ceremony.
Purnima Shradh 2023 Ritual Timings
Purnima Shradh 2023 Date - Friday, September 29, 2023
Purnima Shraadh Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat - 11:47 AM to 12:35 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 48 Mins
Purnima Shradh Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat - 12:35 PM to 01:23 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 48 Mins
Purnima Shradha Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal - 01:23 PM to 03:46 PM
Duration - 02 Hours 23 Mins
Purnima Tithi Begins - 06:49 PM on Sep 28, 2023
Purnima Tithi Ends - 03:26 PM on Sep 29, 2023