Monday Fast Story: Must listen to this story during Monday Fasting

Fasting and worship are considered to be of special importance in Sanatan Hindu religion. In such a situation, you must have heard the name of Solah Somvar Vrat many times, which is mainly kept by unmarried girls in the name of Lord Shiva in the hope of their marriage. At the same time, married women also observe this fast to get the blessings of Lord Shankar.

Somvar Fast Story in English: Monday is considered to be the day of Lord Shankar. On this day, devotees please Bholenath by doing special worship. Some people also keep fast so that they can get the special blessings of Shiva. If you are also keeping a Monday fast for the blessings of Baba Bholenath, then complete this fast by reciting or listening to the Shiva Vrat Katha. According to the method of Monday fast, according to Narada Purana, a person should take a bath in the morning and offer water and Bel Patra to Shiva and worship Shiva-Gauri. After Shiva worship, one should listen to the Monday Vrat Katha and then eat only once. Generally, Monday fast is kept till the third quarter of the day i.e. till evening. There are three types of Monday fasts: Every Monday fast, Saumya Pradosh fast and Sixteen Monday fast, and the method is same for all of them.

The holy and mythological story of Shravan Monday

According to the story of Shravan Monday, a rich businessman lived in Amarpur city. His business was spread far and wide. Everyone in the city respected that businessman. Despite having all this, that businessman was very sad from the heart, because that businessman did not have a son.

Day and night he was worried about one thing. Who will take care of his huge business and wealth after his death.

With the desire to have a son, that businessman used to fast and worship Lord Shiva every Monday. In the evening, the businessman used to go to the Shiva temple and light a ghee lamp in front of Lord Shiva.

Seeing the devotion of that businessman, one day Parvati ji said to Lord Shiva- 'O Prannath, this businessman is your true devotee. For how many days he has been fasting and worshiping on Mondays regularly. Lord, please fulfill the wish of this businessman.'

Lord Shiva said smilingly- 'O Parvati! In this world, everyone gets the result according to their deeds. A person gets the same result as his deeds.'

Despite this, Parvatiji did not agree. She insisted and said- 'No Prananath! You will have to fulfill the wish of this businessman. He is your exclusive devotee. He observes fast every Monday and after worshiping you, he offers you food and eats only once a day. You will have to bless him with a son.'

Seeing Parvatiji's insistence, Lord Shiva said- 'On your insistence, I give this businessman the boon of a son, but his son will not live more than 16 years.'

That very night, Lord Shiva appeared in the dream of that businessman and blessed him with a son and also told him that his son will live for 16 years.

The businessman was happy with the boon of God, but the worry about his son's short life destroyed that happiness. The businessman continued to observe fast on Monday as before. After a few months, a very beautiful son was born in his house. The birth of a son filled the businessman's house with happiness. The birth of the son was celebrated with great pomp.

The merchant was not very happy with the birth of the son, because he knew the secret of his son's short life. No one in the house knew this secret. The learned Brahmins named the son 'Amar'.

When Amar turned 12, it was decided to send him to Varanasi for education. The merchant called Amar's maternal uncle Deepchand and told him to leave Amar in Varanasi to get education. Amar set out with his maternal uncle to get education. On the way, wherever Amar and Deepchand stopped for night rest, they performed Yagya and fed the Brahmins.

After a long journey, Amar and Deepchand reached a city. The entire city was decorated to celebrate the marriage of the daughter of the king of that city. The wedding procession arrived at the appointed time, but the groom's father was very worried because his son was blind in one eye. He was afraid that if the king came to know about this, he might refuse the marriage. This would bring disrepute to him.

When the groom's father saw Amar, an idea came to his mind. He thought, why not make this boy the groom and marry him to the princess? After the marriage, I will give him money and send him away and take the princess to my city.

The groom's father talked to Amar and Deepchand in this regard. Deepchand, in greed for money, agreed to the groom's father's proposal. Amar was dressed as a groom and married to Princess Chandrika. The king gave a lot of money and sent the princess away.

When Amar was returning, he could not hide the truth and he wrote on the princess's shawl - 'Princess Chandrika, you were married to me, I am going to Varanasi to get education. Now the young man you will have to become the wife of is one-eyed.'

When the princess read what was written on her shawl, she refused to go with the one-eyed boy. The king, after knowing everything, kept the princess in the palace. On the other hand, Amar reached Varanasi with his uncle Deepchand. Amar started studying in Gurukul.

When Amar turned 16, he performed a yagya. At the end of the yagya, he fed the Brahmins and donated a lot of food and clothes. At night, Amar slept in his bedroom. According to Shiva's boon, Amar breathed his last while sleeping. At sunrise, seeing Amar dead, his uncle started crying and wailing. People around also gathered and started expressing their grief.

Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati also heard the uncle's crying and wailing while passing by. Parvati said to the Lord- 'Praananath! I cannot bear the sound of his crying. You must remove the pain of this person.'

Lord Shiva went near Amar in invisible form with Parvati and saw him and said to Parvati- 'Parvati! He is the son of that same merchant. I had given him the boon of a lifespan of 16 years. His lifespan has been completed.'

Parvati again requested Lord Shiva- 'O Praananath! Please bring this boy back to life, else his parents will die crying over the death of their son. This boy's father is your great devotee. He has been observing fast on Mondays for years and offering you food.'

On Parvati's request, Lord Shiv gave the boy the boon of life and in a few moments he came alive and sat up.

After completing his education, Amar left for his city with his uncle. Both of them reached the same city where Amar was married. Amar organised a yagya in that city too. The king of the city, passing by, saw the Yagya being organized.

The king immediately recognized Amar. After the Yagya was over, the king took Amar and his maternal uncle to the palace and after keeping them in the palace for a few days, gave them a lot of money and clothes and sent them off with the princess.

The king also sent many soldiers along for security on the way. As soon as Deepchand reached the city, he sent a messenger home to inform about his arrival. The merchant was very happy to hear about his son Amar returning alive.

The merchant had locked himself in a room with his wife. Staying hungry and thirsty, the merchant and his wife were waiting for their son. They had vowed that if they got the news of their son's death, both of them would give up their lives.

The merchant reached the city gate with his wife and friends. On hearing the news of his son's marriage, his happiness knew no bounds on seeing his daughter-in-law, Princess Chandrika. That very night, Lord Shiva came in the merchant's dream and said- 'O Shresthi! I am pleased with you for observing the Monday fast and listening to the Vrat Katha and have given a long life to your son.' The businessman was very happy.

By observing the Monday fast, happiness returned to the businessman's house. It is written in the scriptures that all the wishes of the men and women who observe the Monday fast of Sawan in a proper manner and listen to the Vrat Katha are fulfilled.

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