Gayatri Jayanti 2020, Gayatri Jayanti 2020 Date
Gayatri Jayanti is dedicated to Goddess Gayatri who is worshipped as Veda Mata or the mother of Vedas, Dev Mata and Vishwa Mata. A holy transcript says that Goddess Gayatri is considered as Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva and Vedas. Her four heads represents the four Vedas and fifth one represents the almighty and the Goddess Gayatri is seated on lotus. Goddess Gayatri, who is regarded as the Mother of all Vedas has ten hands and five heads. The ten hands of Goddess Gayatri have the Lord Vishnu symbols. Gayatri Mata is believed to be second consort of Lord Brahma.
Gayatri Jayanti 2020 Muhurat
Gayatri Jayanti 2020 Date - Monday, August 3, 2020
Purnima Tithi Begins - 09:28 PM on Aug 02, 2020
Purnima Tithi Ends - 09:28 PM on Aug 03, 2020
Jyeshtha Gayatri Jayanti 2020 Date - Tuesday, June 2, 2020