Nag Pancham 2022 Date in Gujarat

Nag Pancham 2022 Date in Gujarat

Nag Pancham is mainly observed in Gujarat on Krishna Paksha Panchami during Shravan month as per Gujarati calendar. Nag Pancham is observed three days before Krishna Janmashtami. Lunar month starts after Amavasya i.e. with no moon day in Gujarati calendar. Nag Pancham in Gujarat is observed during Bhadrapada month as per Purnimanta calendar followed in North Indian states.

Nag Pancham is usually known as Nag Panchami and observed 15 days before Nag Pancham during Shukla Paksha Panchami in Shravan month in most Indian states.

Nag Panchami Significance

The rituals and customs of Naga Panchami puja in Gujarat are similar to other states. Devotees, on this day, observe fast and worship snakes by visiting anthills and trees where snakes can be found. The most important feature of the Naga Panchami festival is that women offer milk to snakes to seek blessings and protection from evil.

Nag Pancham day is dedicated to Serpent God and people worship snakes as representative of Serpent Gods like Vasuki, Adishesha and Ananta. It is believed that anything offered to snakes on Nag Pancham day would reach the serpent gods. Hence, devotes worship live snakes on the day as representative of serpent gods. It is said that people can get rid of Kal Sarp dosh by praying snakes and it also brings good luck. Devotees observe fast on Nag Pancham and usually break it after Nag Puja.

Nag Pancham Puja Mantra

सर्वे नागाः प्रीयन्तां मे ये केचित् पृथ्वीतले।
ये च हेलिमरीचिस्था येऽन्तरे दिवि संस्थिताः॥
ये नदीषु महानागा ये सरस्वतिगामिनः।
ये च वापीतडगेषु तेषु सर्वेषु वै नमः॥

Mantra Translation - May the snakes who are staying in this world, sky, heaven, sun-rays, lakes, wells, ponds etc. bless us and we all salute them.

अनन्तं वासुकिं शेषं पद्मनाभं च कम्बलम्।
शङ्ख पालं धृतराष्ट्रं तक्षकं कालियं तथा॥
एतानि नव नामानि नागानां च महात्मनाम्।
सायङ्काले पठेन्नित्यं प्रातःकाले विशेषतः।
तस्य विषभयं नास्ति सर्वत्र विजयी भवेत्॥

Mantra Translation - The names of nine Nag Devtas are Ananta, Vasuki, Shesha, Padmanabha, Kambala, Shankhapala, Dhritarashtra, Takshaka and Kaliya. If someone chants the names of nine Nag Devtas regularly every day in the morning, it will give you protection from all evils and make you victorious in life.

Nag Pancham 2022 Puja Muhurat

Nag Pancham 2022 Date - Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Nag Pancham Puja Muhurat - 06:16 AM to 08:51 AM
Duration - 02 Hours 35 Mins

Nag Panchami 2022 Date in North India - Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Panchami Tithi Begins - 09:01 PM on Aug 15, 2022
Panchami Tithi Ends - 08:17 PM on Aug 16, 2022

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