Parama Ekadashi 2023 Date

Parama Ekadashi 2023 Date

parama ekadashi date

Parama Ekadashi falls during leaped month which is also known as Adhika Masa, Malmas and Puroshhottam Masa. Ekadashi which falls during krishna Paksha of Adhika Masam is known as Parama Ekadashi. There is no fixed month to observe Parama Ekadashi fasting and it is decided based on leaped month. Parama Ekadashi is also known as Adhika Masa Ekadashi.

In Hinduism, there is a law to observe Ekadashi fast to get the blessings of Sri Hari Vishnu. Parma Ekadashi fast is observed on August 12, 2023. This is the Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha of Adhikamas. It is believed that by observing this fast, there is never any shortage of money, you get financial benefits.

As per a legend, even a poor Brahmin became rich due to the glory of this fast. In Sanatan tradition, some rules regarding Ekadashi fast have also been told, ignoring which a person has to become a partner of sin instead of virtue.

Do not do these things on Parama Ekadashi fast (Parama Ekadashi Dont's)

  • Do not do this work in the morning - By fasting on Parama Ekadashi, you get the virtue of religious deeds and charity for the whole year, so on this day, do not sleep till late in the morning, do not sleep even in the afternoon and chant the mantras of Vishnu ji by keeping the fasting night awake.
  • Guest at the door - If the person, animal or bird comes home on the day of Ekadashi, do not send them away without feeding them something. On this day ancestors can come to your door in any form.
  • Clothes of this colour- The person fasting on this day should not forget to wear black clothes. Black color is a symbol of negativity. This has a bad effect on the fast, the fruit of the fast is not achieved.
  • Don't take donations - Donating on the day of Parma Ekadashi is considered auspicious, but keep in mind that those observing fast on this day should not forget to eat water, fruits from someone else's house, nor should they take any donation. If for some reason you have to do this, then give them money instead. This does not destroy the fast.
  • Control yourself - On the day of Parama Ekadashi fast, a person should follow celibacy completely while avoiding female context. Abandon the feeling of lust, anger or jealousy, only then you will get the fruit of the fast.

Must do these 3 things on the day of Parama Ekadashi (Parama Ekadashi Do's)

  • The fast of Parma Ekadashi comes once in 3 years, so if you want to take full advantage of it, then anoint Vishnu ji with Panchamrit, saffron mixed water on this day. Offer Tulsi group and listen to the story.
  • Reciting Vrat Gita on the day of Parma Ekadashi Vrat is considered most auspicious. It is believed that it removes financial difficulties, gives relief from mental stress.
  • Do worship Peepal on the day of Ekadashi. On this day, Lakshmi-Narayan resides in Peepal. While doing 7 parikramas, wrap raw yarn around Peepal tree and pray for the happiness of the family and the happiness of the children. This remedy is very effective.

Parama Ekadashi 2023 Date & Time

Ekadashi Tithi Begins - 05:06 AM on Aug 11, 2023
Ekadashi Tithi Ends - 06:31 AM on Aug 12, 2023

Shravana Parama Ekadashi 2023 Date - Saturday, August 12, 2023

On 13th Aug, Parana Time - 05:49 AM to 08:19 AM
On Parana Day Dwadashi End Moment - 08:19 AM

ISKCON Parama Ekadashi 2023 Date & Time

ISKCON Parama Ekadashi 2023 Date - Saturday, August 12, 2023

On 13th Aug, Parana Time - 05:49 AM to 08:19 AM

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