Ashtami Shradh 2023 Date

Ashtami Shradh 2023 Date, Arudrashtami Shradha    

What is Pitru Paksha Shradh period?

Pitru Paksha is a particular time of year when Hindus pay tribute, give prayers, and perform shradh rites for their ancestors or departed family members. The period of Pitru paksha is sixteen days, from Purnima to Amavasya in the month of Bhadrapada (August - September).
Every Hindu who fits the stipulated qualifications is required to perform shradh rites. According to Hindu texts, the sacrifices made to the ancestors through shradh and tarpan reach them in the Pitru lok (ancestral world), where three generations of the ancestors are stationed and will experience hunger if shradh is not done for them.

What is Ashtami shradha?

The eighth day of the Pitru Paksha is Ashtami Shraddha. According to the lunar calendar (Marathi, Gujarati, Telugu, and Kannada), it falls on the Ashtami tithi of the Krishna paksha of the Bhadrapada month. It falls in the Ashwin month according to the North Indian punament calendar.

This day is set aside for holding shradh rites for ancestors who passed away during the Ashtami tithi.This day, however, can be utilized to do the shradh regardless of whether the ancestor died in the Krishna Paksha or the Shukla Paksha. If there been a lapse in executing the ancestors' yearly shradh rites, it can be made up for by doing Pitru Paksha shradh. 

Indeed, the shradh and tarpan performed during the Pitru Paksha, also known as the Mahalaya Paksha, are said to provide enormous benefits to people and their families.

Significance/Importance of Pitru Paksha Ashtami Shradh

Pitru paksha shradh is extremely auspicious, and many devoted Hindus eagerly await this time to honor their ancestors and offer them shradh and tarpan. Because of the additional benefits, the Hindu scriptures place a high value on Pitru Paksha shradh.

When it corresponds with Arudra nakshatram, this day is also known as Arudrashtami. Shraddh rites are conducted to pay respects to deceased ancestors. 

The auspicious muhurats are Kutup Muhurat and Rohina Muhurat, and they last till the Aparahna Kala is over. According to the Marandeya Purana scripture, Shraddha's ancestors would provide health, riches, and happiness, and the one who fulfills all of the rites is deemed to have attained salvation.

Varanasi, Prayag Sangam, Haridwar, Rishikesh, and Rameshwaram are the greatest places to do Ashtami Shraddha. The perfect location for Ashtmi Shraddha, according to Tamil beliefs, is Noopura Ganga Teertham at Alagar Kovil in Madurai.

Ashtami Shraddha Rituals

The individual doing the shraddhas must bathe and wear clean garments, particularly a dhoti and a holy thread.
The performer wears a durva grass ring.
The rites entail several alterations to the holy thread.
Pinda Daan is performed when pindas are offered to the ancestors.
On this day, Sri Vishnu and Yama are worshiped.
Food is fed to cows, birds, dogs, and ants.
On this occasion, Brahmans are given Dakshina and food, as well as some charity and money.
Family gatherings are used to create Bhagavata Purana and Bhagavad Gita performances.

Ashtami Shradh Ritual Timings

Ashtami Shradh 2023 Date - Friday, October 6, 2023

Ashtami Shraadh Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat - 11:46 AM to 12:33 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins

Ashtami Shradh Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat - 12:33 PM to 01:20 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins

Ashtami Shradha Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal - 01:20 PM to 03:41 PM
Duration - 02 Hours 21 Mins

Ashtami Tithi Begins - 06:34 AM on Oct 06, 2023
Ashtami Tithi Ends - 08:08 AM on Oct 07, 2023

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