Shashthi Shradh 2023 Date

Shashthi Shradh 2023 Date, Chhath Shradha

What is Pitru Paksha Shradha

According to Hinduism, Pitru Paksha shradha is a particularly fortunate time. Hinduism places a high value on doing the shradh and tarpan to departed ancestors. Failure to do them will have serious ramifications for the family. If the shradh rites are not performed at the right time of year, they might be performed during the Pitru Paksha, also known as the Mahalaya Paksha. When shradh rites are performed during the Pitru Paksha, regardless of whether the ancestor died during the Krishna Paksha or the Shukla Paksha, shradh ceremonies are performed on the relevant tithi when they died.

What is Shashthi Shraadha?

The sixth day of the lunar month is Shasthi. Sashthi shradh during Pitru Paksha is the appropriate time to perform shradh and tarpan rituals for ancestors who died on the Sashthi tithi of any month. This event is also known as Chhath Shraddha. While failing to execute shradh rituals can have serious implications for families, doing so is the route to family happiness and success. As a result, many Hindus actively participate in the shardh rites during Pitru Paksha.

Importance of Pitru Paksha Shashthi Shradh

When conducted on auspicious dates, auspicious activities get twofold advantages. This is especially true during the Pitru Paksha shradh, since it is a wonderful time for receiving the blessings of the ancestors in different forms. This is because the ancestors visit their progeny on Earth at this month to accept their gifts from Pitru Lok. Parvan Shraddhas are another name for them. During this time, the best periods to do shradh are either Kutup Muhurt or Rohina Muhurt before the Aparahna Kala (Post Meridian) time runs out. Tarpan (तर्पण) is done at the end of the Shraddha.

Shashthi Shradh Ritual Timings

Shashthi Shradh 2023 Date - Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Shashthi Shraadh Kutup (कुतुप) Muhurat - 11:46 AM to 12:33 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins

Shashthi Shradh Rohina (रौहिण) Muhurat - 12:33 PM to 01:21 PM
Duration - 00 Hours 47 Mins

Shashthi Shradha Aparahna (अपराह्न) Kaal - 01:21 PM to 03:42 PM
Duration - 02 Hours 22 Mins

Shashthi Tithi Begins - 05:33 AM on Oct 04, 2023
Shashthi Tithi Ends - 05:41 AM on Oct 05, 2023

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